Shake shake!
Pencil sketches who can throw whatever, including each other, makes for a fun fighter that's better with friends and/or enemies.
There are few singular games more vital to the success of video game consoles than the original Dragon Quest.
Maybe the reason North Americans think the Sega Saturn lacked games is because so many of the great ones never made it out of Japan.
Before there was Kirby and Lololo, there was simply Lolo.
A developer not known for their gems had at least one in this late-life Game Boy puzzle platformer
The fun thing about Kirby is that there are no bad Kirby games, just better and worse ones.
Remember DSiWare? It's going to be a lot easier to forget these games ever existed soon.
Sega's influential arcade original from 1987 has a new life in the present, thanks to the Ages series of updated re-releases.
A true classic shoot-em-up received a long overdue modern release, that gets by mostly on the substantial power of what was always there.
We're once again getting a re-release of the Sega Genesis Sonic the Hedgehog games, but what about Sonic's post-Genesis 2D adventures?