Three of three and that's all until 2023.
Five more of my '22 favorites, plus honorable mentions.
Yes, this is a retro video game publication, but I find plenty of time for new stuff, too.
The best of the games I played for the first time in 2022, that weren't from 2022.
Phantasy Star moved to the Sega Genesis for its second entry, and it's an old-school classic JRPG just like the first.
What if Pong featured American Gladiators-esque characters?
Groundbreaking? No. Fun? Yes!
New developers and a new era, but same old Aleste, in a good way.
Does anyone want to get me a Super Hang-on arcade cabinet and also a place to put it?
Wario's first go of things as a protagonist is only part of the Super Mario Land series because he hadn't yet proven he didn't need the connection.
Fight, Magic, Items: The History of Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, and the Rise of Japanese RPGs in the West is available now, and I spoke to the author about it and JRPGs.
When is pretty good not good enough for some?